CONFIDENCE MARTIAL ARTS - Self Defense and Fitness in Wilmington, NC

Definition of Loyalty

Loyalty: A strong feeling of support or allegiance. Faithfulness to commitments or obligations.

Loyalty in Martial Arts

Loyalty is extremely important to show in martial arts. We show it every day that we attend class both physically and mentally. We bow to each other to show loyalty to both our junior and seniors. We ask the parents’ permission to start classes to show that we support them and respect them. You come to class dedicated and ready to learn new things. You respect other’s opinions and what they have to say whether it is your parent, instructor, or fellow classmate. We set goals all of the time and make sure that we stick to those goals showing that we have faith that we will achieve them with hard work and dedication. Martial Artists should always be prime examples of this life skill. Be proud of your training and mention it to others. Have faith that martial arts could change your friend’s lives the same way it has made you a better person. Remember that loyalty is a two way street, just like respect. Your instructors are dedicated and loyal to being there for all the students in order to help you become better martial artists and, in the long run, more successful people. Please make sure to show how loyal you are to your instructor this month by giving them extra deep bows and respect throughout classes!

Showing Loyalty Outside of Martial Arts

Students, we want you to think about how you can show use the monthly life skill at home and throughout your community. Here are some tips:

  • Do the things that you are asked to do the FIRST time, or better yet, do them before being asked!
  • Ask your parents how you can help out around the house.
  • Ask your parents to see if you can participate in a community even that aligns with your personal passions and beliefs. For example, if you love animals, you can get involved with a local animal shelter to help out the different animals that come through and help them find homes.
  • Do something extra special for your parents above and beyond what they expect you to do. Not only will you get brownie points, but you will be learning how to show better loyalty!

These are just some ideas for you to think about. Don’t forget to bring in your star sheets detailing how you showed great loyalty this month in order to earn blue stars for at home and silver stars for throughout the community!

Upcoming Events

Self-Defense Seminar – March 18th

Easter Egg Hunt – March 19th

Confidence Martial Arts Spring Festival – March 19th

Confidence Martial Arts Spring Day Camp – March 22nd-24th